Tuesday, June 8, 2021


"No is just a word people use when they're nor sure they want to say yes."

The first transistor is invented at Bell Labs by John Bardeen and Walter Brattain who'd win the Nobel Prize their discovery of the transistor effect.  This led to Silicon Valley becoming the epicenter of electronics innovation.

April 14, The Ninth Circuit Federal Court case: Mendez et al v. Westminister School District of Orange County held that forced segregation of Mexican American students was unconstitutional.

Jackie Robinson, the first African American in Major League Baseball takes the field for the Brooklyn Dodgers.

Toby Manzanares, the first college graduate in the Manzanares family is born on October 1, 1947 in Pueblo Colorado the same year the world of semiconductors began. It was the beginning of racial integration, when a United States postage stamp was 3 cents, gas cost 15 cents a gallon, the average cost of new car was $1,300.00,  and a new house cost $6,600.  1947 was a very good year.

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1945 Alexander Fleming awarded Nobel Prize

1945 Howard Florey, Alexander Fleming and Ernst Chain are awarded the Nobel Prize “for the discovery of penicillin and its curative effect i...